- Dijun Holdings is an Gooniyandi, Djugun & Yawuru, Jabir Jabir and Ngaluma 100% Sovereign family-owned business based in the Kimberley region of WA and operating in the Pilbara and Perth WA and expanding around the State of Western Australia as it expands.
- Dijun Holdings is owned and managed by Eileen Torres and Robert Lee.
- We are a local family business, providing a professional cleaning service / NDIS Support Service / Gardening & Maintenance Services and our Cleaning Products Brand in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, Western Australia and around the state of WA.
- We are seeking to engage with businesses in the Kimberley & Pilbara regions. We established our cleaning business in October 2021, so as a new business our reputation and integrity are especially important to us and we value it.
- We will go the extra bit to ensure that our client is super happy with our presentation and quality of work.
- “Dijun”– means – ‘this one’
Dijun Holding Pty Ltd is happy to introduce our Dijun Supplies.
- For all your small / medium /large cleaning and supplies needs. We can provide all that you require from 3 locations Broome/Derby & Perth to your door:
- All Chemical products are HACCP approved and certified with data sheets.
- Commercial Cleaning Chemical Products
- Commercial Paper products – Hand towels/toilet paper/ wipes/cloths etc.
- Commercial Cleaning Machines –
- Cleaning Machines & Equipment
- All COVID-19 products to keep your staff and business / households safe
WA Government – Aboriginal Procurement Policy
The State Government is committed to supporting Aboriginal owned businesses through the establishment of the Aboriginal Procurement Policy (the Policy). From 1 July 2018, government departments will be required to award contracts to registered Aboriginal businesses, consistent with progressive targets increasing to three per cent. The targets will apply to all government agencies and government trading enterprises when purchasing goods, services, community services and works.
The IPP is a mandatory procurement-connected policy under the legislative instrument of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
The purpose of the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) is to leverage the Commonwealth’s annual multi-billion procurement spend to drive demand for Indigenous goods and services, stimulate Indigenous economic development and grow the Indigenous business sector.
- (Dijun Holdings Pty Ltd is a ASIC Registered Company)
- (We are also registered on the State Government ‘Indigenous Business Registry’)
- (We are a registered Business on Supply Nation’s ‘Indigenous Business Direct’)
- Lloyds of London – Management Liability $2 Million
- CGU Workers – Compensation Cover $50 Million
- CGU – Business Insurances Cover $20 Million
- QBE – Motor Vehicle Cover $32 Million
Current Ongoing contracts
- Fitzroy Valley District High School Fitzroy Crossing Current
- Bayulu Remote School Fitzroy Crossing Current
- Muludja Remote School Fitzroy Crossing Current
- WACHS – Renal Hostel (20 Bed) Fitzroy Crossing Current
- Department of Communities (DCP) Fitzroy Crossing Current
- Main Roads Department (Workers Camp) Fitzroy Crossing Current
- NT Logistics Installation (Centrelink Fitzroy Crossing) Fitzroy Crossing Current
- Karratha Senior High School Karratha Current
- Horizon Power (DCCM) Office Karratha Current
- WA Police Force Station & Airport Hangar Karratha Current
- WA Police Force Station Broome Current
- Legal Aid Office Broome Current
- Legal Aid Office Kununurra Current
- NDIS – Aquinas Crowe Derby Current
- Looma Remote Community School via Derby Deep Cleans as required
- Broome Aboriginal Medical Service Broome Deep Clean as required
Dijun Holdings Pty Ltd – Contact
- Postal Address: PO Box 1774 BROOME WA 6725
- Main Office Address: 10 Djiagween RD BROOME WA 6725
- Base Office Address: PO Box 191 FITZROY CROSSING WA 6765
- Base Office Address: PO Box 664 KARRATHA WA 6714
- ABN: 22 651 214 765 ACN: 651 214 765
- Email: accounts.holdings@dijun.com.au
- Mobile: 0455 846 077
- Website: www.dijun.com.au